It's the time of the season for...

Weeeeeddddiiiiinnnngggssss!!! It's hard to believe that this time last year I had just had my own wedding reception. (Yeah, peep the main picture to see Charles and I pre-party looking tight in our mismatching white wedding outfits). I love wedding season. Mostly because it's warm outside, but also because sometimes it means one of my close friends or a family member is getting married. And that means dancing. And cake.

This year, we flew back to our hometown for the wedding of two of our closest friends. Like us, they had a small private ceremony beforehand, then had a big shindig for family and friends later. The party was held in the yard of the seriously amazing house they just bought—the second oldest house in the city. I'm a sucker for interior design and old shit in general and though there's a lot of work still to be done on the house, they really fixed it up for the party. I had to snap some pics!

Their DJ spun old records 'til dark; there were kids running around, and a lot of laughter, and 4 different cakes from a local bakery down the street. I of course brought a dress to wear and forgot it at a different house than the one I got ready in—but luckily my compulsive/impulsive vintage shopping from the day before saved the day.

Yup, a stop in my fave record store/vintage clothing shop just the day before garnered a really cute belted dress that ended up being a better fit for the ~bohemian vintage~ vibes at the party anyway. As usual, I forgot to have Charlie snap a picture of my outfit until the very end of the party, when we were sleepily saying goodbye and heading out the door.

It was such a good time and unfortunately too short of a visit.



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