Easter Weekend Recap

I didn't mean to post another photo dump of my weekend activities so soon, but I slacked off last week and didn't make any of the other posts I had planned! No matter. Today is a new day; this week I can (& will!) do better. ðŸ’ª

Easter always sneaks up on me. It doesn't matter how many pastel colored objects show up on store shelves, or the number of Easter-themed ads telling me about another Spring sale, I always seem to forget until Good Friday hits me in the face. This year, I had a little bit of a warning, though, in the pleasant form of my brother coming to visit our family for a weekend of sunny weather and plenty of food.

Of course, between seeing all kinds of family, eating fried chicken (and a whole assortment of Things One Should Not Be Eating Often), I also managed to do some of my favorite activities: thrift shopping, coffee drinking, and used book hunting. Oh! And I watched this insane movie starring Jennifer Lopez and Vince Vaughn called The Cell. It was...interesting.

That was pretty much my weekend. How was yours?



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