Farewell to The Big Heap

This past Sunday we drove 38 minutes north of Phoenix to Cave Creek in order to attend the final (and my first) Big Heap vintage + handmade flea market. Maybe I'm from too small a town, but the Phoenix area seems to have a lot of markets. I certainly won't complain. This one has been around for 5 years and though I had never been before, it seemed like something I shouldn't miss.

We planned to go on Saturday, but decided to skip in favor of a Pizza Festival taking place in the park next to the library. Weirdly, the 'za fest was sold out, which I may or may not have screamed about on Instagram. Nevertheless, it was okay that we missed TBH (The Big Heap) on Saturday because there was apparently a giant dust storm in the area that day, during which "you couldn't see anyone!" a vendor told me.

We arrived on Sunday afternoon and headed straight for the food trucks. This was a great idea because there was one I had never seen before: Buzznbeez. They sell things like po'boy sandwiches, jerk chicken bowls, and mac and cheese. Obviously we went here. The truck also sported a giant painting of a cute girl with an afro, which was enough of a reason for me to say yes, honestly.

We could have left after tasting that jerk chicken—it was that good—but we decided to stick around to see, you know, the actual market. There were tons of vendors, and many had very interesting displays in their booths. I got a bunch of compliments on my boots and we only got rained on once. Overall, a success. I never go to these things with the intention of buying a lot. I like looking around, seeing what I can see and maybe, if I find something special, I buy it.

I didn't find anything I couldn't live without, but we did make out with some surprisingly tasty taffy, Coca-Cola playing cards, and a Bazooka bubblegum set with 3 photo cards and 3 stickers bearing Michael Jackson's face. I call that time well spent. Here are some pictures!



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