So I've been really inspired lately by women (esp. of color) in, on, and around the internet. I first came across Destiny Frasqueri, aka Princess Nokia on tumblr (where else?) and was drawn in by her strong visual presence. I'll admit there was also some skepticism on my part because she seemed to be playing into that whole ✨ tumblr art hoe/internet princess ✨ thing that sometimes makes me roll my eyes.
It also took me a minute to get into her music (specifically her most recent release, 1992), but honestly, the more time I spend with her creative output, the less I can resist her charms. Maybe a month or so ago I started following her on instagram and clocking her videos on YouTube: music vids as well as little interviews, clips, and mini docs.
What I see from her is a genuine desire to produce quality visual + audio content, an interest in putting positive energy out into the world, and a heart for marginalized people. Obviously, I don't know her and can only see pieces of what she chooses to put out into the world. All I'm saying is those pieces—her music, her videos, her words—have had a small impact on me. I can see her drive, the sweat and love she puts into the things she does and that's inspiring to me.
In homage, I made some Nokia-related art. Please enjoy. Happy Friday!