10 Things / The Transitions Edition

Hey! 👋

I've been gone for a bit, so I'm jumping back in to share an ✨ u p d a t e ✨!



1. We're moving! Er...we have moved. Eh...and we will again? This is not complicated—I'm just being obtuse. We packed up our apartment + shipped the contents to a totally different state. Then we got in our car and drove several hours ...

2. ... to PAX South, which is in San Antonio, TX. So, are you following? Me + Charles 🚗 from Phoenix to San Antonio to walk around a giant, cavernous room filled with people + games. Eheh 💩 It's really more of an excuse to see friends that we otherwise would never see, and less about the games. But, like, games are fun too.

3. I now have a cohesive website. Applying for jobs + freelance work necessitates a semi-professional looking online portfolio. Of course mine is full of color + gifs + colored pencil drawings.

🌟 ☛ marialavender.co ☚ 🌟

4. My art is for sale!! If you like things like laptop cases, mugs, tees, printable wall art, etc. you can + should check out my Society 6 + Etsy shops. 

5. We bought a house, 😗which is strange and scary and EXCITING. We haven't moved in yet, which is why I said "we will again" in list item #1. We will scoot our butts into our new place later this month and I can't wait to decorate. Needless to say, my Pinterest i n t e r i o r boards have been getting even more love than usual.

6. I hiked a mountain in southern Arizona and it was loooovely! Also my legs hurt for days. But also it was LOOOVELY, so I can't complain. Very grateful I am able to climb mountains. Such beautiful landscapes in Arizona that I will miss, sorely.

7. I have read 2 books so far in 2017. Swing Time by Zadie Smith and Commonwealth by Ann Patchet. Both of which I gave ★★★✰✰ on Goodreads. My goal is to read 30 books this year and I'm making 👏 it 👏 happen 👏!

8. I'm TOO HYPED about the final season premiere of Girls this Monday! I have a lot of f e e l i n g s re: this show, but the short version is: when it premiered I was 😤 because, really? another show with all these whiiiiittteeee peeeooppllleee????!!! but I watched it because I was curious and kept watching because it made me laugh and satisfied that 'weird + cringe' spot that I sometimes need itched. I would always tell people that I ~hate-watch~ Girls BUT THEN season 5 was about to premiere, and I re-watched some previous seasons and realized *takes a breath* that I simply love the show. 100%. I just do. Okay! Phew! That is off. of. my. chest. Thank you!

9. Some of my work will be on display in an art show that is opening tonight! We have a little First Friday art walk here and I'm excited that I can finally participate in some way! Our show is centered around black history + making history. I haven't had my work on display for literal years, which is not cool so I'm hoping to use this show as a jumping off point for getting my work out and about this year!

10. I totally don't have a tenth thing! I struggled to make it this far in general, in terms of filling out this list, so I'm not gonna sweat it. At least the number 10 showed up in some form, right? U mad?



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