Our house is in a constant state of flux. I don't think it will ever be "Voila! Complete!" or, whatever, and it feels infinitely remix-able, you know? Right now, I am slowly, slowly trying to add small little details to every room. Things that make me smile, or add to the functionality of the space.
It's impossible for me to make a whirlwind of progress + changes, buying furniture and decoration and plants and fabrics and lights and wallpaper and paint—it's just not gonna happen like that. Because of money, obviously, but also because I want things to be...special.
I treasure the hunt for that perfect chair or bench or credenza that may or may not pop up one day at a thrift store. It's like, my bread and butter. I would like the things in my home to have a little story behind them; a life; a memory. That shit? Takes time. (And money. 💔)
I've been filling notebook pages with ideas, drawings, layouts, plans. I have shopping lists, to-do lists, DIY's saved on Pinterest, and a series of wishlists on Amazon. I think about this all 👏 of 👏 the 👏 time. [Sidenote: I really enjoy Austin Kleon's weekly newsletter, and he recently quoted someone else who said Pay Attention To What You Pay Attention To. Food for thought por moi, for sure.]
Anyway, all of this to say: today I'm sharing a few of my recent thrift store finds + projects, in various states of finish. For your viewing pleasure; to inspire; for laughs (Haha! You scoff. Why didn't she just save up and buy something cuter from West Elm?!); for fun; for posterity (which I used to think meant 'For the hell of it'). Please enjoy!
Check out my funky lil' terrarium party, son! I know you're jealous of all the pla—hold up! Bitch, she's only got, like, three little cacti up in this piece? (Why am I typing like this? Who am I? I feel like that SNL sketch with Louis C K and + Leslie Jones)
What I'm trying to say is: several weeks ago I decided to thrift a few glass containers to make terrariums as the centerpiece to our dining room table. Done. Finished. I done did it, and it looks pretty cute! So cute that my mother-in-law suggested I do something similar in the bay window in our bedroom. That window is doooooope because it gets so much SUNLIGHT and I know some little cacti bbs would love to sunbathe there.
So, voila! This is it. Like that Michael Jackson album. Well, sort of. You may or may not have noticed that this is a sad excuse for a terrarium party. There are only 3 cacti and, like, 400 empty glass containers. THAT is because when I went to The Home Depot, they decided to change the game on me and disappear all of their little cactus friends and replace them with a bunch of 'low light' plants (that I definitely could find a place for elsewhere, but not here, son. Not here.). Soooooo I snatched up the few succulents they had left and went on my way.
Suffice it to say, this area is still UNDER CONSTRUCTION (like the rest of the house. Hell, like my LIFE).
I just got the Doug theme song in my head. That's normal.
Anyway, let me introduce you to this chair. It's a vintage (okayyyy, probably circa 1980s if I had to guess) Buckstaff chair with brown leather cushions. I found it at the Habitat For Humanity ReStore that's near our house. Isn't it cute?
It WAS NOT cute when we carted it from the store (clustered with a bunch of other chairs that were also reasonably priced because none of them were of the MCM style and thus were not trendy or modern looking enough to warrant a high ass price tag) ((Clearly, I'm bitter as hell about MCM furniture))(((Not because I hate it, but because I love it and am money-challenged))).
As my
So, after
More plants!
In an ideal world, my entire house would just be a tropical greenhouse and we would sleep under the stars, viewed through our glass ceiling. This isn't realistic, though, so in order to create the illusion of Plantasia (à la The Jungalow + houseplantclub Instagram feeds), I try to buy at least one new plant for the house every week.
Knowing this, whenever I'm out at a thrift store, I ALWAYS look for plant pots, planters, plant stands, baskets, or bowls that I can put future plant friends in. I found this cute + classic one at Goodwill, and I was all about it, 'bout it. It's simple, basic, and forever cool. I don't have much to say about it other than that, actually. Oh! And I guess I could say that the plant I put in there isn't actually properly potted. I just stuck it in the pot without repotting it yet because I'm
Sidenote: we have these very nice very cool French doors for the sitting room. One day while casually browsing Pinterest (jk, whenever I'm on Pinterest I'm serious as a heart attack tryna inhale inspiration and ideas) I came across a picture (that I can no longer find!!!), and the idea for this small plant hangout was born. It's still in the process of becoming ✨ truly inspirational ✨ but it makes me happy.
And last but not least: a ladder to the stars. Er, the ceiling.
Charlie and I spotted this sad little wood ladder on a visit to a local vintage/flea market that had just moved to a new space. A ladder like this has actually been on my thriftlist for some time now, and I was glad to find this little dude.
I think what I like best about him is that he's infinitely style-able. For now, I just put a few things on him that we had around, but in the future I'd love to experiment with a few different decor looks for Mr. Ladder.
👉 Bonus Thrift Details: I found that pretty blue typewriter years ago, back when I worked at a thrift store. I've always liked it, and literally just found out another way to display it. I was watching a Conan Gray vid and saw he had actually taken his out of its case *gasp* and placed it on top! So I immediately set up ours like that too, and I like it! And then I saw this project, and thought that would be cool to try if I ever find another cheap typewriter that also doesn't work. (Because this one does work, and I don't want to ruin it by sticking dirt and plants in it).
And I guess that's it! That is all. Goodbye. This post is done. Yup that's it.