Weekending / All Of The Days

How lucky to have a weekend full of days celebrating things I enjoy!

I ate a ton of food on Earth Day & didn't waste any of it

As you probably already know, last Saturday was Earth Day. A kick in the pants in the form of a holiday, for some. As someone who has trouble venturing out of her comfort zone, I need all the reminders I can get—take care of this planet, you brat! Maybe it's lame, but I'm the type of person that often needs someone else to present an idea to me in a new way in order for it to take hold in my mind. Like, I was recently introduced to the concept of a 💫 Zero Waste Lifestyle 💫 by a couple of cool YouTubers puttin' in work to show people that there are other ways to live in this world. 

Anyway, this year, I celebrated the earth with a bunch of friendly faces, gathered at a plant-lover's house to eat tasty things and to day drink. I contributed a big bowl of berries to the potluck, along with some crackers and tuna salad I made with Fage yogurt instead of mayo. Mmm, mmm good! Other good things: an egg casserole, amazing chili, an assortment of pastries, plus homemade peach sorbet with bourbon. What a way to start a day. 🍒

I didn't actually buy any records on #RSD2017

At some point, in the middle of gorging myself at the potluck, a friend mentioned that it was also Record Store Day. Natch, we eventually made our way to one of the few record stores in town. Its a pretty chill space with plenty of reasonably priced records, plus books + vintage clothing, too. I grabbed a few vinyl right off the bat—Sade, Stevie Wonder, and a rare Larry Levan mixes compilation. However, I got a little sidetracked when my friend pointed out a pair of vintage, pinstriped denim jeans he thought I might like. Of course I did, of course I bought them instead of the records, of course I got home and tried them on only to find that they don't fit. 🙈

I may have a small (but mighty) book addiction

As if I don't talk about books enough on this blog, here we go again! Sunday was World Book Day—which I found out on a whim, and luckily, it reminded me that our local library was having their annual book sale! Heeellll yeah. Needless to say, C and I spent an hour or so of our Sunday in the basement of a building, in a room filled with books. It was the second of three days of the sale, so everything was 50% off, which is LITERALLY INSANE. I think we copped a total of 20 books, all of which were $16 and some change. Chyeah! Used book addiction is real, my friends.

That was my weekend. I'd ask how yours was, but it's already Thursday! We bout to have another one real quick. 😁 How has your week been? Did you do anything for Earth Day/Record Store Day/World Book Day??????



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