Our house is in a constant state of flux. I don't think it will ever be "Voila! Complete!" or, whatever, and it feels infinitely remix-able, you know? Right now, I am slowly, slowly trying to add small little details to every room. Things that make me smile, or add to the functionality of the space. It's impossible for me to make a whirlwind of progress + changes, buying furniture and decoration and plants and fabrics and lights and wallpaper and paint—it's just not gonna happen like that. Because of money, obviously, but also because I want things to be...special. I treasure the hunt for that...
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I'm not a super sentimental person, really. I've been known to donate personalized gifts from loved ones to Goodwill with aplomb. (I Marie Kondo'd that shit). Charlie is a bit more caring in that regard, but we're both guilty as charged when it comes to remembering our wedding anniversary. Not that we don't care about it at all, per se—it's more like...it's just a day. Why force something "special"? This year, I happened to remember our anniversary the day before it arrived, and that night, we went out to dinner (*Biggie Smalls voice* Olive Garden, babay babay!). This obviously wasn't enough for...
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A few weeks ago, Lana Del Rey released a video for her new single, "Love." It's a production full of dreamy, spaced out visuals, and Lana looking like a perfectly-coifed, hippie earth-mother in a white mini-dress and flowers in her hair. Sparkle, Beth Hoeckel Creation, Beth Hoeckel Cheerful, Beth Hoeckel Dreamer, Beth Hoeckel The song is about, well, being young and in love. Nothing new in the Lana-sphere. But the video! The video has this epic, sweeping surreality that I love—and an overwhelming whiteness that I do not. I would be truly remiss not to address the sort of headaches I get, singing along...
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