So That Happened / Thanksgiving

Charlie and I drove 01h45m to Tuscon last Tuesday to join family from Illinois at his grandparent's house in Tucson. It was really f...
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L'Art / Etel Adnan

A friend saw some of my recent sketches and pointed me to the work of Etel Adnan for inspiration. A 91 year old poet and painter, Adnan...
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This past Sunday we drove 38 minutes north of Phoenix to Cave Creek in order to attend the final (and my first) Big Heap vintage + hand...
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Notes / Guillermo Santoma

For Turkey Week (is that a thing? It should probably be a thing. I'm just picturing people eating giant turkey legs all day and night) I...
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Hello, Stevie

I know very little about Stevie Nicks except that she seems quite magical and these polaroids of her capture a lil...
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